My outfit of the day. It's national day and i'm not wearing red or white.
Lunch buffet at Sukiya. We managed to ate 7 trays of meat and lots of prawn balls etc.
Bernice and I are trying to do the heart shape at Gardens by the Bay. We look retarted taking so much photos.
Happy Birthday, Singapore!!!
We got nothing to do while we are at gardens by the bay and we start to zi lian. Keep taking photos. There are like more than 50 photos inside my phone.
Everyone one is wearing red. It remains me of cassiopeia (DB5K fanclub)
It's national's day and parents went Indonesia. So went out dating with Bernice. Cabbed down to Marina Square to have our Sukiya buffet. The whole Marina Square is so crowded. Even MBS. Wanted to walk to MBS, but the road is closed. So we took train there, and it's like one stop away only. ._.
Walked to Gardens by the Bay and we slack there and start to spam photos. Shall upload the rest on facebook when i'm not lazy. XD